Παραθέτω αυτούσιες φράσεις από το μανιφέστο:
“Previous generations left a legacy of exploitation, occupation and irrelevant values that present great challenges, but also opportunities to the people of today”.
“Prophets and sages presented visions of the future based on dreams, hallucinations, religious fervor, divination of animal parts, crystal balls, etc. Some may even have been accurate, but this was more because of luck than because of any direct channel to the supernatural”.
“..millions of people around the globe still practice pseudo-science, using fortune-tellers, seers, and philosophers for their daily direction. Many world leaders regularly consult psychics, mediums, and astrologers for guidance in decisions that determine the fate of millions”.
“Present human activity and its consequences does not have to be shaped by the needs and values of our ancestors”.
“Technology is racing forward but our societies are still based on concepts and methods devised centuries ago. (...) We still have thinking patterns based on old structures used in western Asia several thousand years ago”.
“The comforting assumption that 'I can make a difference' is farther and farther from reality”.
“Hopes for divine intervention by mythical characters are delusions that cannot solve the problems of our modern world”.
“People with little knowledge of the physical world tend to see gods and demons as the prime controllers of natural phenomena”.
Πρόκειται για ευθεία άρνηση όλης της μέχρι σήμερα ανθρώπινης σκέψης. Επίσης, πρόκειται για αφόρητες γενικεύσεις και ανέρειστους αφορισμούς. Παρέθεσα τις φράσεις από το πρωτότυπο, αν όμως επιθυμεί κάποιος να τις παραθέσω και σε μετάφραση, ευχαρίστως.
3 σχόλια:
Παρακαλω πολυ, αν ειναι ευκολο, παραθεστε τις και σε μεταφραση.
Βεβαίως, ευθύς αμέσως σε νέα ανάρτηση.
Δημοσίευση σχολίου